internships i've done:

- oldest to newest

Content Writer at Kshitiksha Foundation (may '24)

i helped raise donations for the NGO using my writing. we were given deadline based tasks on writing for emails and campaigns launched on the care for animals, the environment and support for women.

Front End Developer at CodSoft (june-july '24)

i was provided three tasks to complete under the level i chose to perform for the internship:
1:A portfolio website. 2:A landing page. 3:A calculator
i used html, css and javascript for the projects.

The github link to the projects: codsoft internship

Internshala Student Partner Program 2024 (june-aug '24)

[to be updated]

Content Writer at Marpu Foundation (june-july '24)

[to be updated]

always learning, always growing. more to happen?